B12 1000mcg, 2000mcg

Short Dated B12 On Sale

We love providing options and discounts! Both our 1000mcg B12 and 2000mcg B12 have a limited supply of short dated stock which we have on sale. Around a year of shelf life left so definitely still safe. Our newest stock is also available so you can mix and match and get set up for your next few years.

Vitamin B12 Direct Fighting Inflation

We are pleased to announce that while rising costs are affecting virtually everything else you buy, there will be no vitamin inflation in 2022 at Vitamin B12 Direct.

True, we’ve seen our post covid-19 international postage rates to certain destinations like the US double and wholesale prices from our vendors rise year over year, yet we will hold the line on not passing vitamin b12 inflation on to you our valued customers. We understand that the world economy is rebounding from an unprecedented slow down and that supply chain management issues are affecting material costs all the way down the line but we feel a duty to resist the tide and will instead ride this out with our community of customers. As the old saying goes, this too shall pass.

I’ll note here before going forward that we have amended the free shipping promo to a free vial of vitamins. While we know free shipping was popular, the free vial actually works out to offer a more significant cost savings on the customer end and we think saving you more money is a priority as we do our best to keep costs in line.

United States Shipping Delays

US Delivery Delays, B12 Discounted

** UPDATE – As of February shipping times to the US are back to normal **

We are experiencing intermittent delivery delays with orders to the US. Most batches are delivering normally with our 2-4 weeks average but some are stalling for an extended period prior to arrival in the US. It appears the air freight shipping channel has been overwhelmed with cargo re-routed from traditionally ocean shipped goods. US ocean ports have become bottlenecked post Covid.

Although the root of the problem is ocean shipping please note we ship by air only. The overflow from ocean shipping into air freight is affecting our deliveries.

Covid-19 and Package Delivery

UPDATE, Sept 1st: Shipping times are approaching normal so we have reduced of delivery estimate to 4-6 weeks. USPS is reporting some delays due to covid 19.

There are no concerns regarding mailed items and virus spread. One possible exception to consider is handling by local delivery which warrants the same caution as items purchased at a local store.

During this period of uncertainty for air travel we have extended our shipping estimate from 2-5 weeks to 5-8 weeks. Once the situation settles we will revise. This estimate is noted in an alert at the top of our website and the shipping details when placing an order.

Injection B12 Prices in USA

Vitamin B12 Injection Prices in the USA

Back in 2016 we wrote an article discussing injection B12 prices in the United States – Vitamin B12 Injection Price Increases – Why? Today, almost 4 years later, not much has changed…

In 2016 we checked seven mainstream pharmacies and found B12 prices ranging from $80 to $159 for 10ml of 1000mcg cyanocobalamin. These were the cash prices for uninsured customers and did not include any dispensing fees or taxes. Compare these to our price, then $9.75. For US residents the difference is obviously alarming.

Vitamin B12 and Fertility Is Becoming A Hot Topic

The relationship between vitamin B12 and fertility is becoming a hot topic in reproductive health. As we well know vitamin B12 supports our bodies functioning at a deep cellular level. 1 What many people are not aware of is the potential of our favorite vitamin in supporting optimal reproductive health.2 We’ll explore research that makes the case that maintaining B12 levels may be essential for the smooth functioning of reproductive organs in both men and women and for being able to carry a baby to term both naturally as well as with assisted reproductive treatment. 3,4,5

B12 Deficiency and Gluten Sensitivity

Connection Between B12 Deficiency and Gluten Sensitivity?

B12 Deficiency and gluten sensitivity (GS) are generally considered to be unrelated, except in cases of diagnosed celiac disease (CD). Taking a look at new findings on GS and connecting the dots challenges this assumption. Examining the issue in depth leads us to consider the possibility that vitamin b12 deficiency may be a factor for some GS sufferers as well.

Vitamin B12 May Help Depression – The Facts

B12 and the Holiday Blues…

Research shows vitamin B12 may help depression, and at this time of year it’s a good idea to look at anything that might be putting us off balance. After all, the holidays aren’t so happy for many of us. Add seasonal affective disorder (SAD) into the mix and the seasonal blues can plain just get in the way of enjoying life.

As research is developing so is our understanding of how vitamin B12 can play a role in reducing depressive symptoms. Interesting findings focus specifically on the chemical relationship between vitamin B12 and

Vitamin B12: Diet, Age and Supplementation

An ongoing 18 year long study challenges several commonly accepted truths about B12 deficiency. If you are young and eat meat you likely believe you have a reduced risk of deficiency – maybe not…

Study Found 39% at Risk of B12 Deficiency

Most of us believe if we follow a diet heavy in animal products including meat, eggs or dairy, we should have enough vitamin B12 in our bodies. Researchers at Tuft’s University suggest that this may not be the case. They cite the Framingham Offspring Study which found 39% of subjects were at risk of becoming vitamin B12 deficient.(1)  An important detail is the cross generational nature of this study: 26-49, 50-64 and 65-83.

Framingham Offspring directly contradicts the commonly held view being passed down to dinner tables over the generations: that heavy meat eaters are less likely to be clinically deficient than the rest of the population. In fact, participants who had the best vitamin B12 levels were those that ate fortified cereals. 

Vitamin Absorption and Resulting Deficiencies are not Necessarily Symptoms of Ageing

Remember when we noted that the Framingham Offspring was cross generational? The study participants most at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency provide insights on the relevance of age to vitamin absorption. Surprisingly, vitamin B12 deficiency is to date no more common among the older portion of the sample. Moreover, this finding challenges the widespread belief that absorption and resulting deficiencies are necessarily a symptom of ageing.

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