Injection B12 Prices in USA

Vitamin B12 Injection Prices in the USA

Back in 2016 we wrote an article discussing injection B12 prices in the United States – Vitamin B12 Injection Price Increases – Why? Today, almost 4 years later, not much has changed…

In 2016 we checked seven mainstream pharmacies and found B12 prices ranging from $80 to $159 for 10ml of 1000mcg cyanocobalamin. These were the cash prices for uninsured customers and did not include any dispensing fees or taxes. Compare these to our price, then $9.75. For US residents the difference is obviously alarming.

Empty B12 vials

US Injectable B12 Shortage – Updated

UPDATE: The US injectable vitamin B12 shortage appears to be slowly resolving – if 1ml ampules satisfy your vitamin B12 requirements. Availability has been updated below. 

Injectable b12 (Cyanocobalamin) shortage status update – the FDA has updated their shortages list and reports that both North American laboratories are reporting limited supply or back-ordered.

American Regent/Luitpold (Re-verified 04/25/2014) – limited supply
Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC (Re-verified 04/25/2014) – available in 1ml ampules

FDA Drug Shortages List – Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Injection

[edited April 25th to update status]

Vitaminb12direct has stock of vitamin b12 Cyanocobalamin for sale if you are having trouble ordering from a North American supplier.

Empty B12 vials

US Injectable Vitamin B12 Shortage – October

The injectable b12 (Cyanocobalamin) shortage continues – the FDA has updated their shortages list and reports that both North American laboratories have returned to a back-ordered and out of stock status with regards to injectable vitamin b12.

American Regent/Luitpold (Re-verified 10/21/2014) – out of stock / back-ordered
Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC (Re-verified 10/24/2014) – out of stock / back-ordered

FDA Drug Shortages List – Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Injection

[edited Oct 24 to update re-verified dates from FDA]

Vitaminb12direct has stock of vitamin b12 Cyanocobalamin for sale if you are having trouble ordering from a North American supplier.

Empty B12 vials

US Injectable Vitamin B12 Shortage – September

The injectable b12 (Cyanocobalamin) shortage continues – the FDA has updated their shortages list and reports that both North American laboratories have returned to a back-ordered and out of stock status with regards to injectable vitamin b12.

American Regent/Luitpold (Reverified 09/23/2014) – out of stock
Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC (Reverified 09/26/2014) – out of stock

FDA Drug Shortages List – Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Injection

Vitaminb12direct has stock of vitamin b12 Cyanocobalamin for sale if you are having trouble ordering from a North American supplier.

Empty B12 vials

US Injectable Vitamin B12 Shortage – August

[see this post for current injectable vitamin b12 shortage info]

Injectable vitamin B12 continues to be in short supply from North American laboratories – limited supply and back-ordered.  Laboratory Fresenius has been reporting an expected release for months but has never delivered. From the FDA Drug Shortages List as of August 19th:

American Regent/Luitpold (Reverified 08/22/2014) – limited supply and back-ordered
Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC (Reverified 08/27/2014) – 1000mcg 1ml vials available

UPDATE August 19th: Laboratory Fresenius Kabi has come online with 1000mcg 1ml vials available

UPDATE August 27th: FDA shortage list refreshed, no improvement

FDA Drug Shortages List – Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Injection

And if you are interested our July post on injectable B12 availability.

Empty B12 vials

Update on American Injectable Vitamin B12 Supply

[see this post for more up-to-date injectable vitamin b12 shortage info]

Unfortunately the update (as of July 19th) is there is no change, injectable vitamin b12 shortage continues. Limited supply and back-ordered.  Laboratory Fresenius has been reporting an expected release this June through most of June….

American Regent/Luitpold (Reverified 07/14/2014) – limited supply and back-ordered
Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC (Reverified 07/17/2014) – back-ordered

FDA Drug Shortages List – Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Injection

Update, July 19th: FDA shortages list updated. Limited supply and back-ordered. One of American Regent’s products has returned to back-ordered status. Post updated with most recent dates.

Windsor Star Drug Shortages

Windsor Star reports on drug shortages

Posted June 17th in The Windsor Star‘s healthcare section:

Kaye Brown says she constantly fights fatigue because she hasn’t had her prescribed injections of iron or vitamin B12 since January.

She’s not the only one having trouble getting medicine. A rotating drug shortage has become routine in Ontario, meaning hospitals, pharmacies and patients often scramble when certain medications go through bouts of short supply.

“I feel frustrated,” said Brown, who lives in a long-term care home in Windsor. “I feel like the present government doesn’t care about us seniors in homes or out in the community. We’re not important enough.”

Brown has been told that the drugs she needs are on back order, so she has been taking B12 in pill form everyday — which she says is not as effective or as convenient as a once-a-month shot.

“The injection would give me more strength and I would be able to do more things,” said the 61-year-old widower who has fibromyalgia and arthritis and uses a wheelchair. “I don’t have enough energy to do what I would like to do. I could fall asleep just after breakfast.”

read the article at The Windsor Star

1000mcg Vitamin B12 In Stock, 2000mcg Out Of Stock

Our stock of 2000mcg concentration vitamin B12 has run out.  We are expecting to get more in at the end of the month.  But not to worry, our inventory of 1000mcg concentration vitamin B12 is healthy and ready to ship.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

B12 Shortage Update From FDA

Current shortage status for vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin as of April 22 – still back-ordered from the only two North American suppliers. If you are having trouble finding B12 we have it in stock and are ready to ship! Visit our store…

[blox_button text=”Buy Injectable Vitamin B12 In Our Store” link=”/product/injectable-vitamin-b12-1000mcg/” target=”_self” icon=”fa-arrow-right” animation=”” extra_class=”my_blue_button”/]


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