UPDATE, Sept 1st: Shipping times are approaching normal so we have reduced of delivery estimate to 4-6 weeks. USPS is reporting some delays due to covid 19.
There are no concerns regarding mailed items and virus spread. One possible exception to consider is handling by local delivery which warrants the same caution as items purchased at a local store.
During this period of uncertainty for air travel we have extended our shipping estimate from 2-5 weeks to 5-8 weeks. Once the situation settles we will revise. This estimate is noted in an alert at the top of our website and the shipping details when placing an order.
United Kingdom
The Royal Mail corona virus information page states the mail is delivering as normal. (https://www.royalmail.com/coronavirus)
We are working with our airline and postal/courier partners across the globe to maintain services. The number of countries that we can access is changing daily.
Most major export routes remain open and we continue to accept and process mail.
United States
In the United States USPS has put out a statement and publishes service alerts. (https://about.usps.com/newsroom/service-alerts/) Although no impacts are mentioned we are seeing delays which we are monitoring.
From their statement:
The CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html), the World Health Organization (https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses), and the Surgeon General have indicated that there is currently no evidence that COVID-19 is being spread through the mail.
The Postal Service has so far experienced only minor operational impacts in the United States as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Postal Service is undertaking all reasonable measures to minimize the impact to our customers.In addition, the Postal Service is an essential service for purposes of its compliance with state or municipality shelter-in-place orders or other social distancing restrictions. The Postal Service delivers medications, social security checks, and is the leading delivery service for on-line purchases.
US Customs and Border Protection Covid-19 information page (https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/coronavirus) does not list any special actions
What is the coupon? I’m a long time customer and I’m certain I have bought at least ten vials of b12 and 2 of the bcomplex. Plus syringes. Am I entitled to one free vial? I hope so. You’re the best, most reliable , and needed supplier for baristric patients as I am. Thank you for your service!
Thanks for being a long time customer! We sometimes issue coupons through our mailing list, but not publically. The “10th vial is free” works a little differently than that…the promotion is for vials in a single order. So mix and match 10 vials and be charged for 9 only. Don’t hesitate to email for specific questions.
B12 direct is by far the best site to get your b12 from i love it
Unsatisfied!! I had to reach out to you to find out anything on the delivery of my order. The steps should have been made by your company to ease your customers minds. $115 is not change and for your info on email sent the order is now 11weeks late.
Sorry you are unhappy and your order was late. Please note: we have a banner across all website pages discussing shipping conditions during the pandemic, and we wrote this post. We also named the only shipping option “5-8 weeks (due to covid-19)”. By my count your package arrived in 8 weeks and 3 days from the day you ordered. Our shopping cart email tracking automatically, but your Gmail sorts these emails under ‘promotions’ – which I think I explained. And we responded promptly when you contacted us. What else can we do?
Do you plan to resume shipping to Hawaii once COVID 19 has resolved and businesses are open?
Hawaii is a special case we would have to consider. We do not believe delivery issues there were covid related. Not directly at least.