It’s a little known fact that vitamin B12 can be administered painlessly and with effect in individuals with a body fat index under 25 by subcutaneous injection using a standard 1CC 29 Gauge Insulin Syringe. Please note that individuals who have a high body fat index (over 25, 30 being clinically obese, may compromise absorption and run the risk of causing inflammation in the fatty tissue) should not opt for this method of administration and should instead stick with the standard intramuscular protocol.
The safe injection protocol for this method of administration is exactly the same as with intramuscular injections except that instead of injecting straight into the muscle you pinch a fold of skin between the thumb and forefinger and inject directly into the fold at a horizontal angle. It is very likely that unlike the standard intramuscular injection you may save yourself a sore (deltoid) shoulder muscle, or quadriceps (large front muscle of the leg).
For the daily user of vitamin B12 painless injections with a fine 29 Gauge syringe may be more practicable than a 23-24 Gauge intramuscular “harpoon”. After all, this is about feeling great so why make yourself a human pin cushion if you don’t have to. If you’ve tried this method of administration we’d like to hear your comments and opinions….
Please note that this posting reflects the personal opinions of the writer only and that any information contained herein is not medical advice. All decisions regarding the taking and administration of injectable substances should be done in consultation with one’s physician.
Detailed information between (SC) and (IM) injection protocols
More information on BMI (body fat index), obesity and risks to health