How do I inject safely?

Any treatment with injectable vitamin B12 should be done under a doctor’s supervision. The initiation, administration and discontinuation of use of vitamin supplements should be under the guidance of a treating physician. Proper injection requires guidance and experience. Injections should be performed under the supervision of a doctor or medical professional.

While we don’t advise that people self inject these vitamin supplements themselves we offer a safe injection protocol for intramuscular injection as follows:

  1. Swab the top of the vial with isopropyl alcohol
  2. Insert the needle of a 21-24 gauge syringe into the vial and pull out the desired measure of injectable vitamin as per your Dr.’s prescription (generally .5CC-1.0CC
  3. Insert the needle into one of the areas of the body without arteries and few large veins IE. the buttocks (glutimus maximus), the shoulder muscle (deltoids) or the front of the quadriceps large (rectus femoris) muscle of the leg.
  4. *Before you inject the contents of the syringe into the location you’ve selected make absolutely sure you have not inserted the needle into a vein by pulling the plunger back. If you draw any blood whatsoever into the syringe then withdraw the needle immediately and pick another location.
  5. Once you’ve determined that your injection site is safe and that the contents of the syringe will be injected into a muscle only, then slowly depress the plunger of the syringe until all of the syringes contents are safely inside the muscle tissue.
  6. Slowly withdraw the syringe.
  7. Swab the injections site with alcohol.
  8. Put the cap back on the used syringe and dispose of it in a safe manner.

Posted in: Quality & Safety