How do I contact US Postal Service by phone?

If the online tracking does not provide the answers you need you may be able to learn more by phoning USPS. Be prepared for a long wait on hold.

The phone number for USPS: 1-800-275-8777

We find the best option to choose in the main voice menu is the 4th option, “carrier”. From this option you can provide your tracking number and speak to an agent. You may have to listen to long answers and say “agent” even when this is not suggested as an option.

Some tips:

  • the first menu item “package” only provides access to tracking information and not access to a live postal agent
  • say “agent” (repeatedly) when asked for a piece of information, even when this is not what the voice system wants, can sometimes get you through to a postal agent
  • say “main menu” to return to the main menu if you get lost

How do I handle and use ampules?

Ampules are small single use vials. They are designed to be broken at the narrow point in the neck. Most have been weakened to make this easier and mark the weak point with a printed line.

Opening an ampule:

  1. To help keep the ampule and medicine as sterile as possible, use some sanitizer gel on your hands, or wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Hold the ampule upright and tap the top to remove solution from the head space.
  3. Swab the neck of the ampule with an alcohol pad.
  4. Wrap the neck with an alcohol pad or gauze, and grasp the top with the thumb and index finger of one hand. With the other hand, grasp the bottom of the ampule.
  5. Quickly snap the ampule moving your hands away and out from you. If the ampule does not snap easily, rotate it slightly and try again. A light pressure should cleanly
    snap the ampule open, while using too much force can cause it to shatter.
  6. Inspect the opened ampule for any particles of glass that might have fallen inside.

If the glass shatters when you open your ampule, wrap all the pieces in a tissue and discard. Don’t use the medicine if your ampule shatters.

Transferring the solution from the opened ampule:

  1. Hold the ampule at about a 20-degree down angle.
  2. Insert a needle/straw into the ampule taking care not to touch the ampule neck where it is broken.
  3. Position the needle in the shoulder area of the ampule beveled edge down. This will avoid pulling glass particles into the syringe.
  4. Withdraw solution but keep needle submerged to avoid withdrawing air into the syringe.
  5. Withdraw needle from ampule and remove all air bubbles from the syringe.
  6. Transfer the solution to the final container using a filter needle or membrane filter.

How do I get Free Shipping?

Vitamin B12 Direct offers a promotion where we provide a $10 shipping credit to returning customers that leave a review of a past ordered product.

Without this support we can’t afford to offer free shipping, so it is required. We wish we could give free shipping to everyone, but we can’t. Our shipping is $10 flat rate pretty much world wide which we think is very reasonable. Our free shipping promotion is limited to European Union, North America and Australia.

 Free shipping for writing a review

  1. Be a returning customer living in a country to which we ship for free
  2. Go to the webpage of a product you have purchased from us in the past
  3. Leave a review using the same email address you used when last ordered (click on ‘reviews’ part way down any product page and leave your own at the bottom of the list, email addresses are not published)
  4. Add any items you would like to purchase to your shopping cart
  5. In checkout look for the “You supported us in social media…Thank You!” message
  6. Choose ‘free-shipping-social’ or one of the other gifts

Problems? – visit our Free Shipping Social Promotion Details Page

Do you supply needles?

No. We cannot compete on cost for syringes and find it is best to keep things simple through customs.  Injection supplies are widely available, consult your health professional for recommendations.

How do I inject safely?

Any treatment with injectable vitamin B12 should be done under a doctor’s supervision. The initiation, administration and discontinuation of use of vitamin supplements should be under the guidance of a treating physician. Proper injection requires guidance and experience. Injections should be performed under the supervision of a doctor or medical professional.

While we don’t advise that people self inject these vitamin supplements themselves we offer a safe injection protocol for intramuscular injection as follows:

  1. Swab the top of the vial with isopropyl alcohol
  2. Insert the needle of a 21-24 gauge syringe into the vial and pull out the desired measure of injectable vitamin as per your Dr.’s prescription (generally .5CC-1.0CC
  3. Insert the needle into one of the areas of the body without arteries and few large veins IE. the buttocks (glutimus maximus), the shoulder muscle (deltoids) or the front of the quadriceps large (rectus femoris) muscle of the leg.
  4. *Before you inject the contents of the syringe into the location you’ve selected make absolutely sure you have not inserted the needle into a vein by pulling the plunger back. If you draw any blood whatsoever into the syringe then withdraw the needle immediately and pick another location.
  5. Once you’ve determined that your injection site is safe and that the contents of the syringe will be injected into a muscle only, then slowly depress the plunger of the syringe until all of the syringes contents are safely inside the muscle tissue.
  6. Slowly withdraw the syringe.
  7. Swab the injections site with alcohol.
  8. Put the cap back on the used syringe and dispose of it in a safe manner.

Is your vitamin B12 high quality?

Yes. B12 Direct works only with government licensed laboratories. Our primary supplier has been manufacturing vitamins since 1969 and certified Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP, World Health Organisation) by Thai Food and Drug Administration.

Further we have have independently tested our vitamin B12 for quality and safety at Mérieux NutriSciences (Silliker, Vancouver CA). Our testing covers potency and common contaminants.

To what countries can I order?

We ship world wide.  Below is a list of countries we have experience shipping to, and to which we guarantee delivery.  For other countries ask us.  We may not be able to guarantee delivery, but we are likely willing to try! 

Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States

Note: Our free shipping promotion is limited to European Union, North America and Australia.

How do you protect my credit card?

Your credit card purchase is secure.  Your entire visit to our website is protected for your privacy. Payment is processed by PayPal, an industry leader. Vitamin B12 Direct does not collect or store your credit card details outside PayPal’s secure servers.


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